Call of duty black ops cold war open beta
Call of duty black ops cold war open beta

call of duty black ops cold war open beta

While you'll have to play nonstop for the remainder of the time to get that final award, these are all some helpful bonuses for those that choose to play the beta. If you are able to reach level 10 in the beta, you will get an additional 3 Tier Skips to help you get through the Season 6 battle pass. For simply logging into the Black Ops Cold War beta, you will get a tier skip for the Season 6 Battle Pass, which should net you some cool skins, guns, and currency. Then, there are the free tier skips for Modern Warfare and Warzone. First off, all progress from the beta carries over to the final game, so you'll have a headstart on leveling up and unlocking things if you put some time into beta. There are a couple of benefits to playing the Black Ops Cold War beta, especially if you're still playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare or the free-to-play Call of Duty: Warzone. What are the Black Ops Cold War beta rewards? Even if most players aren't even aware of why the beta is going longer, the efforts of these fans won't go unappreciated as people continue to play Black Ops Cold War. According to VG247, Activision was sending out emails with cryptic codes and messages in them over the course of the beta.Īs the community was able to solve these challenging puzzles by working together, the reward was an extra day of the beta. While it's not unheard of for publishers to extended a beta due to its popularity, that's not the only reason that Activision is giving players more time to play the Black Ops Cold War beta.

call of duty black ops cold war open beta

Why did Activision extend the Black Ops Cold War beta?

Call of duty black ops cold war open beta