Diablo 2 amazon build javelin
Diablo 2 amazon build javelin

diablo 2 amazon build javelin

Amazons regard the destruction of the Three Prime Evils as their destiny, ushering in a new era when mortal men and women can at long last take their rightful place in the universe, no longer merely playthings for the beings of the Outer Realms.

diablo 2 amazon build javelin

Their oracles long ago predicted the Dark Exile, and they have been preparing to combat it ever since. They do not follow the teachings of the Zakarum, but instead practice a polytheistic religion that adheres to the strict principles of Order. These cities are an architectural phenomenon and a source of great pride to the Amazon people. Adapting over the centuries to their tropical milieu, they have built magnificent cities in the forest canopy. The Amazon people are a relatively isolated culture. Only the permanently snow-covered peak of Mount Karcheus breaks the expanses of lush forests on the islands. The Amazons are women warriors who hail from a group of islands in the Twin Seas, near the border of the Great Ocean. On ranged builds, Dexterity increased the Physical Damage portion of your attacks.Every 4th Stat Point into Dexterity increases the base Defense of the Character by 1.The Attack Rating of every attack is increased, improving the Chance to hit your target.It increases the % Chance to Block up to 75 while using a Shield.Generally, Stat Points are only allocated to this Attribute to wear your gear, however, Dexterity has 4 additional uses: Generally, Stat Points are only allocated to this Attribute to wear your gear, however, Strength has an additional use: it increases the Physical Damage portion of melee attacks. While Vitality only affects the Life pool and Energy only affects the Mana pool of your Character, Strength and Dexterity have additional uses: At maximum Level, a Character has access to 505 Stat Points which can be allocated into the Attributes. Every Character has the Attributes Strength, Dexterity, Vitality and Energy.

Diablo 2 amazon build javelin